8 Tips to Keep Your New Mexico Home Cool Without Cranking the AC

Two Outdoor HVAC Units at a home

We’re starting to settle into that characteristic warm spring weather, and soon we will have fully transitioned into the blazing heat of an Albuquerque summer. While we’re glad to have a bit of warmth at the moment, it won’t be long before the struggle is very real! Looking for some ways to keep your cool? The experts at B. Carlson Heating, Air Conditioning & Plumbing can give you some easy directions.

AC-Free Cooling Tips

Many of the “keep cool” guides we’ve been seeing floating around this year basically amount to “turn on your AC!” And while that’s true, it’s also a bit…well, less than helpful. There are some ways to boost your cooling equipment and we intend to get into that in a bit, but before that let’s take a look at some low or zero cost tips that actually work!

Control sunshine. 

Bright natural light is awesome for our moods, but it’s less than favorable for keeping cool. The radiant heat of an unblinded window can increase the ambient temperature in your home by up to ten degrees (according to the EPA “…about 76% of sunlight that falls on standard double-pane windows enters to become heat.”)! If you can’t do without light or don’t like blackout curtains, opt for energy-efficient window covers that let the light in but reflect the heat out.

Master your fans. 

Set ceiling fans to turn counter-clockwise so that they create a wind chill effect. This means sweat is wicked away and the relative temperature of your home feels cooler, which helps you reduce how much you need to run your AC system.

Get some fresh air in the evenings. 

Thanks to our blessedly low humidity levels, the nights in New Mexico and Albuquerque are far more comfortable. During the evenings open up your windows for some fresh, clean, and far cooler air!

Go for a wardrobe change. 

Polyester is a death wish come the summer in our area. Instead go for cotton or linen clothing, which both breathe very well, and preferably in lighter colors that reflect sunlight heat (darker colors absorb heat).

Prepping Your AC or Swamp Cooler for Summer

Now that we have the basics down let’s move on to how to get the most out of your cooling equipment (with as little cost as possible):

Get a maintenance service.

Start out the season with a professional tune-up every year. The cleaning and calibrations of a maintenance service will help you avoid breakdowns and will ensure you’re getting optimal efficiency from your cooling systems.

Change your air filter/cooling pads. 

A clean air filter is vital for central cooling systems, helping to keep air flow unobstructed and higher in quality—this translates to more cooling power and throughput. The same goes for swamp cooler pads. They need to be properly moist, with enough water in the tray, and they need to be clean to avoid clogs and gunk that can drop efficiency.

Keep vents open

The whole “close vents to rooms you aren’t using” thing is a myth, and a potentially harmful one. Your system was designed to keep very specific air pressure flowing in the home. Closing a vent can prevent this, leading to the unit overheating and overworking.

Close off rooms that don’t have vents. 

You can, however, save a bit and get more cooling by closing doors to rooms that do not have vents. Each square foot of open space in your home accounts for even more energy and work that your HVAC system has to expend. Even a cupboard or cabinet left open factors into this, so any closets, cabinets, or utility rooms are best left closed off.

Call B. Carlson for AC Services in Albuquerque

Still have trouble keeping cool? The HVAC experts at B. Carlson Heating, Air Conditioning & Plumbing have been helping Albuquerque homeowners stay cool and comfortable indoors for over 45 years! Whether you have central AC, a ductless unit, or evaporative cooler, we can make sure your cooling system is running at its best.

For cooling services in Albuquerque and the surrounding areas, contact us for service today!

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