Is it Time to Repair or Replace Your Air Conditioner?

An old air conditioner that needs to be repaired

When your air conditioner begins acting up in the middle of a warm New Mexico summer, you want to get that system fixed as quickly as possible…without spending more money than necessary. So how are you supposed to determine whether it’s time to repair or replace your air conditioner? Here is a brief run down on steps you can take at home to access the situation. For further information that this page doesn’t cover, we encourage you to call your local AC professional—like B. Carlson Heating, Air Conditioning & Plumbing.

Don’t forget to have your heating and air conditioning system inspected by a professional at least once each year! Call B. Carlson today at 505-349-4409 to schedule your inspection.

When to Repair Your AC System

If you are considering an air conditioner repair over replacement then you should follow this general rule:

If the estimate for repairing your unit is less than 50 percent of the cost of a new unit, it makes sense to repair. When the repair estimate exceeds 50 percent, then it’s time to replace.

Average repair costs can vary wildly depending on which parts of your AC system need to be replaced. These costs can vary from a $5 easy fix that you can do yourself, to ductwork repairs that will cost you over $2,000. The only sure way to find out how much you can expect to pay for a repair is to call your local air conditioner professionals for an estimate.

Air Conditioner Repair Test

Take this Home energy yard stick test to assess the energy efficiency of your home! If your home scores below a five, your energy use is above average and you are most likely paying more than necessary for energy bills. This means it’s time to invest in a new air conditioning system.

When to Replace Your AC System

Replacing your existing air conditioner may not be as timely and costly as you think, seeing as there are many long term benefits to replacement. If you invest in a new, energy efficient air conditioning unit, you can expect to save around 20 percent on cooling costs!

Your new air conditioning system can typically be installed by two technicians in two to three days’ time.  Most often, this requires little or no change to the existing ductwork. For a home that needs new ducts, you can expect about four technicians and six days’ time to install the system.

Here are some signs that it’s time to replace your air conditioner system:

  • Your unit is more than 10 years old
  • Equipment requires frequent repairs
  • Energy bills are increasing
  • Your home has high or low levels of humidity
  • Your home has an abundance of dust
  • Your unit is noisy

If your air conditioner system meets any of these criteria it is time to make that call. B. Carlson is happy to work with you to install a brand new, high quality air system at an affordable price. Call us today to speak with a professional about your home’s air conditioner.  

Air Conditioner Repair and Replacement in Albuquerque, NM

If you are repairing or replacing your air conditioner in Albuquerque or the surrounding areas, we encourage you to work with our team of experts at B. Carlson. To ensure this is an easy process for our customers, we service and repair a wide variety of brands and offer 24/7 emergency repairs.

If you are ready to learn more about repairing or replacing your home’s air conditioning, call us today at 505-349-4409.

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