ABQ Tankless Water Heaters

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Tankless Water Heaters in Albuquerque, NM

Have you ever found yourself needing to wait for your water heater to refill so you have access to hot water again? It’s frustrating, right? We use hot water for so many things in life– hand washing, showering, washing dishes, doing laundry, cooking, and more. You probably don’t think twice about it until it’s not there anymore. Wouldn’t it be awesome if there were a solution that meant you never had to wait for hot water again? The good news is that a solution to that exact problem exists: the tankless water heater.

Tankless water heaters, also known as demand-type or instantaneous water heaters, provide hot water only as it is needed.  

Tankless vs Tank

So exactly what is a tankless water heater and how is it different from more traditional water heaters? The biggest difference is that tankless water heaters don’t store hot water in tanks. Tank-style water heaters, on the other hand, need to store water within the tank so it can be heated before being distributed throughout the house. This type of heater constantly works to heat the water it holds and maintain it at a set temperature. In comparison, tankless water heaters heat water on demand.

How Tankless Water heaters Work

Tankless water heaters heat water directly without the use of a storage tank. Like storage tank water heaters, tankless water heaters can utilize natural gas, liquid propane or electric power to operate. When a hot water tap is turned on, cold water travels through a pipe into the unit. Either a gas burner or an electric element heats the water. As a result, tankless water heaters deliver a constant supply of hot water. You only have to wait for the water already in your pipes to make its way out before you get the hot water your heater is ready to instantly prepare for you. That can take a bit depending on the size of your house, as well as the size and placement of your water heater. Once the hot water has worked its way through the pipes to where you need it, however, you’ll have an endless supply until you no longer need it. With a tankless water heater, you don’t need to ever wait again for a storage tank to fill up and turn cold water into hot water.

Tankless Water heater Challenges

A tankless water heater’s output limits the flow rate. Typically, tankless water heaters provide hot water at a rate of 2–5 gallons (7.6–15.2 liters) per minute. Gas-fired tankless water heaters produce higher flow rates than electric ones. Sometimes, however, even the largest, gas-fired model cannot supply enough hot water for simultaneous, multiple uses in large households. For example, taking a shower and running the dishwasher at the same time can stretch a tankless water heater to its limit. To overcome this problem, you can install two or more tankless water heaters, connected in parallel for simultaneous demands of hot water. You can also install separate tankless water heaters for appliances — such as a clothes washer or dishwater — that use a lot of hot water in your home.

The initial cost of a tankless water heater is greater than that of a conventional storage water heater, but tankless water heaters will typically last longer and have lower operating and energy costs, which could offset its higher purchase price. Most tankless water heaters have a life expectancy of more than 20 years. They also have easily replaceable parts that extend their life by many more years. In contrast, storage water heaters last 10–15 years.

Benefits of Tankless Water Heater

Obviously, one of the main benefits of tankless water heaters is the capacity to provide an endless supply of hot water on demand. That means no more running out of hot water in your shower or having to wait for the water tank to refill and reheat before jumping in. There are a lot more benefits to having this water heater style over the standard storage water heater than just that though.

Longer Life Expectancy

Tankless water heaters have a 20-year life expectancy, 5-10 years longer than tank-style heaters. While hard water makes them work harder and can shorten their lifespan, that problem can be addressed by installing a water softener. Regular water heater maintenance helps the tankless water heater last longer, too. The fact that it has easily replaceable parts doesn’t hurt anything either.

Greater Efficiency

Not only do they last longer, but their design means they are naturally far more efficient at what they do. Storage tank water heaters are constantly working to hold the water they contain at a certain temperature. That takes energy, whether that comes in the form of electricity, gas, or liquid propane. Because tankless water heaters heat water on demand and don’t store water, there is no need to constantly expend energy to heat water, which means you avoid incurring standby energy losses. Between the longer lifespan and the increased efficiency, tankless water heaters can offer homeowners long-term energy savings. This can help offset the higher upfront cost you incur to purchase this type of water heater and have it installed. Of course, we can help you offset the upfront costs, too, thanks to the different financing options we offer.

Less Room Needed

If your home has a tank-style water heater, you know how much room they take up. To put it into perspective, most homes use a 40-50 gallon tank. A tank that holds this much water tends to be 54-60 inches tall with a 20 inch diameter and in the shape of a cylinder. Some homes have an entire room devoted to space for their water heater, though that space may be shared with a furnace as well. A tankless water heater, on the other hand, comes in at an average size of 27 inches tall, 18 inches wide, and 10 inches deep. This rectangular water heater has the added benefit of being mounted to the wall so it isn’t taking up valuable floor space that you could be using for literally anything else. It’s small enough you could probably fit it in one of your closets without too much trouble.


Have you ever experienced flooding in your home? If not, you’re lucky. If you have, you know how much damage water can do to a home. Flooding is one of the risks of having a storage-tank water heater. Other risks include the tank exploding (though that isn’t a common occurrence) and exposure to the minerals and toxins that become present in your hot water if the tank begins to corrode. With a tankless water heater, those problems don’t really exist. While they can still become damaged and leak, tankless water heaters are safer for your home because they don’t store gallons and gallons of water that can escape and flood your home. There is no tank to explode, and no water being held that can carry corrosion through your plumbing to you. You also have more precise control over the temperature of the water, which decreases your risk of suffering burn injuries.

Tankless Water Heater Options

So what are your options for tankless water heaters? Here at B. Carlson, we offer two Navien tankless water heater models for you to choose from. Both the standard model and advanced model have a .96 Uniform Energy Factor and can be installed either indoors or outdoors. Both models give you the option to add them to your list of smart home technology by offering you the option to control your water heater remotely via wifi. They can be powered by either liquid propane or natural gas. One of the primary differences between the two model options is that the advanced model features a built in water recirculation system which helps eliminate the cold water sandwich you may have heard about.

Tankless Water Heater: Free System Replacement Consultation

Unless you’re installing a water heater in a new home, having a tankless water heater installed means you’re replacing an old water heater. Making sure the replacement is done properly takes work. It is critical for your new water heater to be the right size for your home, no matter what type of water heater it is. If a tankless water heater is too small for your home, you’ll end up with lukewarm water instead of hot water. Of course, that problem is easily rectified by installing two or more tankless water heaters instead of just one. Figuring out what size and how many water heaters you need is part of making sure the job gets done right.

Scheduling a free system replacement consultation with one of our certified plumbing professionals is the first step towards making sure your replacement water heater is the right fit for your home.
You rely on your water heater to provide you with the hot water you need throughout your home.

If waiting for more hot water just isn’t for you anymore, or if your water tank needs to be replaced, choosing to have a tankless water heater installed may be the best option for you. Let our certified plumbing professionals provide you with top of the line, customer-focused service that will make sure you end up with the right water heater for you and your home.

Ready to schedule a free tankless water heater consultation? Contact an expert at B. Carlson today and get your date set! You can always reach us over the phone at (505) 349-4409 as well!

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