ABQ Plumbing Fixture Services

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Are your plumbing fixtures stuck in the 80s?
outdated 80s bathroom

Whether you want to replace a single bathroom faucet or want to redo every fixture in your bathroom or kitchen, B. Carlson makes your shopping easy.

Choosing a Plumbing Fixture

Avoid Frustration! Many customers experience frustration and waste a lot of time selecting plumbing fixtures. Some will search online and purchase from vendors who know nothing about plumbing fixtures. Others will visit a home improvement store where there are fixtures on display to choose from. They then try to find a store associate to assist with your selection, and if they get lucky, they find someone who has become an “expert” after walking past the plumbing section a couple of times in their three months of employment. Since the “expert” knows nothing about your application (what will fit and what won’t), they help you choose a fixture and send you on your way.

Plumbing Fixture Installation Services

The next step is installation. If you are a do-it-yourselfer, you can do it yourself or hire someone to come out and install it for you. Assuming your new fixture fits your application, there are still parts with many different types and sizes of fittings necessary to install your new fixture properly. This may require another trip to the home improvement store with your new faucet, and the parts you removed from your old fixture to match up the necessary parts to adapt to your new fixture. If all goes well, they have it in stock.

One thing many customers don’t realize, is the products found in home improvement stores and online are most times a special line created by name brand companies to compete in retail solely on price. Plumbing professionals like B. Carlson have access to the “pro” line with better selection, quality, and warranties. The other thing to consider is purchasing fixtures on your own removes any kind of warranty a professional plumber like B. Carlson can provide. What happens when the new fixture you just purchased online is shipped to you missing a part, or defective? Unfortunately, this is not uncommon. A phone call is then warranted to contact the seller, who half of the time is a call center on the other side of the planet!

plumbing contractor

Contact B. Carlson for Plumbing Installation Services

B. Carlson makes your fixture selection and installation a breeze! Search through our catalog of Moen plumbing fixtures and select the plumbing fixture(s) you are looking for and make a list. Next, contact your plumbing professionals at B. Carlson. We will review your selection with you to ensure your choices will meet your expectations, and provide you with an upfront guaranteed price for the installation.

We provide a 1-year worry-free warranty in addition to the manufacturer warranty so if anything fails within the warranty period, we take care of it! No more wasted time going back and forth to the home improvement store. We handle everything turn-key to make your plumbing fixture replacement worry-free.

More About Moen® Plumbing Fixtures

At B. Carlson, we’ve partnered with Moen, the leading faucet brand in North America. When you choose Moen-designed kitchen or bathroom faucets, showerheads, kitchen sinks, or more, you know you’re investing in a quality product that will last a long time and look great.

Need bathroom fixture installation services? Call B. Carlson today at (505) 349-4409!

Bathroom Faucets

What size bathroom faucet do I need? Do I need a one-handle, two-handle widespread, or wall-mount faucet? How do I choose the right bathroom faucet for my home?

At B. Carlson, we make it easy to choose a new bathroom fixture with options that are as timeless as they are stunning. Our wide selection of Moen bathroom faucets ranges from bidets and sink faucets to tub and shower faucets in luxurious styles and colors. Feel refreshed by replacing your bathroom faucets and other plumbing fixtures today!

Tub & Shower Faucets

Whether you’re looking for that waterfall effect from your showerhead or you really want to impress the in-laws, installing new plumbing fixtures is a simple way to create a dramatic new look for your bathroom. Browse Moen’s bathtub and shower faucets today, and give B. Carlson a call for an installation! Moen features matching tub and shower fixtures so you can design a cohesive look throughout your bathroom!

Kitchen Faucets

Are you looking to spice up your wet bar with a new bar and prep faucet? Or does your kitchen or laundry room need a new look? Replacing kitchen faucets has never been such a thrill. With new equipment such as Moen’s Touchless Kitchen Faucets with MotionSense™ features for touchless activation, convenience in the kitchen means going hands-free.

Whatever option you choose for installing a new kitchen faucet, B. Carlson can take care of the rest to get your kitchen in tiptop shape for entertaining!

Schedule Plumbing Fixture Services Near You

plumber fixing sink

From complete kitchen remodels to switching out outdated plumbing fixtures, B. Carlson Heating, Air Conditioning & Plumbing is your source for dependable plumbing replacement and installation services. We can help you get a better understanding of what plumbing fixtures will best suit your home, and when the time comes, we can be the ones to install the fixtures you love in your home.

B. Carlson serves residents in Albuquerque and around Bernalillo, Corrales, Los Lunas, North Valley, Placitas, Rio Rancho, Sandia Heights, and Tanoan. Live nearby? Give us a call!

For all of your plumbing needs, call B. Carlson at (505) 349-4409 to get started!

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